
Misconceptions about reducing salt intake

·     “On a hot and humid day, people sweat, so their food should contain more salt”. When sweating, the body loses very little salt, therefore, excess salt is not needed even in very hot weather and high humidity; what matters is to drink plenty of water.

·     “Sea salt is healthier than industrially produced salt because it is “created by nature”. Regardless of salt’s origins, it contains sodium that has negative health consequences.

·     “Adding salt when cooking food is not the main source of consumed salt”. In many countries, approximately 80% of salt in the diet is consumed through industrially processed foods.

·     “Salt is a must if you want food to taste good”. Our taste receptors take time to – however, after getting used to reduced salt intake, it is highly likely that we will enjoy the food more and detect a broader range of flavors.

·     “Food without salt seems bland”. It may be so initially, but taste receptors will adapt to reduced salt content and the person will learn to appreciate less salty but tastier food.

·     “Food containing a lot of salt is salty”. Some food products with high salt content do not have a pronounced salty taste because they may contain other ingredients that hide their saltiness, for instance, sugars.

·     “Only elderly people should worry about the amount of salt consumed”. Excessive salt consumption can lead to high blood pressure in people of all ages.

“Reducing salt intake may negatively affect my health”. It is very difficult to consume too little salt because it is present in a great number of daily foods.